Medical Acupuncture
Medical Acupuncture
Dr Greg Carter is a Private Medical Acupuncturist in Macclesfield, Cheshire and practising GP Partner in Marple.
He developed a keen interest in Medical Acupuncture following a period of elective training in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Guangzhou University of TCM, China. He joined the British Medical Acupuncture Society in 1993 and gained the BMAS Diploma in Medical Acupuncture in 2003. He has a keen interest in the use of acupuncture in fertility and gynaecological disorders in addition to a wide range of other conditions.
He feels that acupuncture can and should be used along with mainstream medicine and other services such as nutritional advice and counselling in order to provide a more effective and holistic style of therapy.
“The best way to treat a patient is to get to know and understand them well. Everyone is different, and will need different things from a consultation. One of the big advantages of working in the private sector is having the time to do this properly. Working in a team, such as that provided by Aurora Healthcare, is a great way to maximise the benefits of the expertise and hard work of the medical/nursing staff.”
For more information about Dr Carter and the services he provides, visit