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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of the absence of ovulation. It results from an inappropriate release of hormones from a gland in the brain and is associated with the absence of ovulation, absent or irregular menstrual periods and abnormal female hormone levels. Women who are affected are often overweight and have raised blood levels of male-type hormones, leading to excessive growth of facial and body hair, oily skin and acne.

Conditions that make women more likely to manifest PCOS include excessive blood levels of prolactin, low and high levels of thyroid hormone, stress, anxiety, extreme physical exertion (as with athletes), profound weight loss or gain (greater than 15% of body weight), anorexia, and serious illness. The condition appears to run in some families. Women with PCOS have a higher risk of miscarriage. It predisposes to development of diabetes and hypertension in later life and increased risk of pre-cancers of the lining of the womb and breasts. 

Treatments For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The most serious symptom women face is infertility in the vast majority of cases. However, a polycystic ovaries pregnancy is possible and there are a couple of factors which can be easily manipulated, such as weight.  A BMI of under 30 helps to control the features of PCOS, so weight-loss may be advised. If this is the case, we’ll work with you to develop a healthy weight-loss plan. A polycystic ovaries pregnancy is at a higher risk of complications, however the risks are reduced by being a healthy weight at the time of conception. 

Hormonal Treatment For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The pill or progesterone tablets can maintain regular periods in women not ready to conceive. Oily skin, acne and excessive growth of facial and body hair can be treated with hormones (anti-androgens) and/or cosmetic measures such as electrolysis.

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